Become a sponsor

The following sponsorship packages are available each year. Existing gold, silver and bronze sponsors will be offered the first option to renew each year.

Our current sponsors are:

Gold: Grand Slam Physiotherapy
Silver: Ocean Grind
Bronze: - Gertzel Engineering Surveyors
Standard: - multiple are available, enquire below

  • gold coin with a tennis ball on it


    What’s included:

    • Court 1 signage at all 3 venues

    • Club Championship Trophy titles for Mens & Ladies Single final

    • Sponsor’s logo on Club Champ publicity

    • Photo of winners with Logo to go on Facebook and on website

    • Sponsor logo on SCTC website for 12 months

    • Sponsor logo on SCTC Facebook x 6 per year with words of thanks

  • silver coin with a tennis ball on it


    What’s included:

    • Court 2 signage at all 3 venues

    • Club Championship Trophy titles for Mens & Ladies Doubles final

    • Sponsor logo on SCTC website 12 months

    • Sponsor logo on Facebook x 2 per year with words of thanks

  • bronze coin with a tennis ball on it


    What’s included:

    • Court 3 signage at all 3 venues

    • Club Championship Trophy titles for Junior Boys & Junior Girls Single final

    • Sponsor Logo on SCTC website 12 months

  • dull grey coin with yellow tennis ball


    What’s included:

    • Pick ONE court and venue of choice for your signage (not courts 1,2 or 3)

    • Sponsor can supply own sign (no bigger than 900mm x 600 for display)

    • Sponsor logo on SCTC website for 12 months