Tennis etiquitte

Codes of Conduct

Tennis Etiquitte


noun the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

Tennis Australia’s guide to tennis etiquitte is a great place to start when learning tennis or refreshing your memory. There’s a lot to remember, especially for kids.

Beyond the informal etiquitte, we have the Club Codes of Conduct.

Codes of conduct 

Every person whether you are a player, spectator, parent or club member should ensure…

  • Inclusion of every person regardless of their age, gender, culture, religion or race.

  • Eliminate violence and abusive behavior

  • Protection from sexual harassment or intimidation

  • Ability to participate and develop their full potential

  • Respect is shown towards others within the club, visitors and all tennis communities.


  • Play by the rules

  • Don’t argue and control your temper

  • Be a team player, cooperating with team mates

  • Be a good sport

  • Treat all players fairly

Parents and Members

  • Encourage participation but don’t force it; these are kids and this is a game

  • Encourage playing by the rules

  • Remember players learn best by example

  • Never ridicule mistakes

  • Never publicly disagree with an umpire/official. Raise the issue privately, or report issue to Club representative

Problems or Complaints

There comes a time in our lives that an issue may arise and you don’t know how to deal with it. The club is happy to listen and give advise where needed. If have an issue on or off the court, big or small, that you would like to raise, please contact a club representative. For a confidential chat, call Club Member Protection Officer Lesley Nock on 0438 813 071